FMS Project:


EMI Assessment for New Medical Collaborative Research Center

FMS provided extensive EMI Assessment Services during the planning, design and construction of an pioneering Collaborative Research Center which will enable researchers and physicians from the world’s largest medical center, to team with scientists and engineers on bioscience and biotechnology. FMS throughout the assessment process provided the project’s team, expert guidance to ensure that planned use of leading edge research equipment would not be compromised by interference from electromagnetic sources.

FMS conducted broadband EM study to document existing conditions

Early in the project, FMS conducted a broadband EM survey at the proposed building site to document existing conditions and to identify any potential EMI threat source adjacent to the site. Existing DC, AC, and RF field strength conditions were assessed throughout the existing building site based upon “spot” measurements and limited time measurements of steady-state and transient conditions, and to document possible sources of these emissions based on site inspection.

Design team evaluated potential sources of EMI during design phases

During all design phases of the new building, FMS provided the project’s design team, with thorough reviews of all documents from design development through construction drawings, to (1) evaluate potential sources of EMI such as high current electrical equipment, (2) determine EMI threat potential and (3) develop mitigation measures.

Computer simulations predicted AC magnetic field levels

In several instances, review of the building’s design drawings indicated that research areas were adjacent to high current electrical equipment. Computer simulations were then constructed to predict AC magnetic field levels in adjacent areas to determine probably EMI threat conditions and to provide the basis for development of mitigation solutions.

Highly conductive shielding material installed beneath 11th floor substation

Computer simulation studies indicated that high AC magnetic field levels would likely be present in areas of the CRC Building 10th floor, immediately beneath the 11th floor building electrical substation. To eliminate EMI threat potential to research equipment on the 10th floor, beneath the electrical substation, FMS developed a shielding scheme utilizing highly conductive shielding material installed on the entire floor of the 11th floor substation.


Over its 20 years, FMS has successfully completed hundreds of EMI projects which included a diverse range of consulting and mitigation services.

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