Field Management Services (FMS) was engaged by Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) to provide EMF Consultant Support Services for the design of two (2) FEI Electron Microscope (FEI 20 FEG & FEI 30 TEM) suites. In support of these efforts, FMS provided CUMC with the following services: (1) Provided baseline EMF site study and reviewed the existing site plans; (2) Provided Design Documents (DD) review and performed magnetic field modeling of the facilities electrical infrastructure (associated electrical distribution equipment, etc.) to establish potentially disruptive EMF conditions within the sensitive laboratory environments and adjacent occupied spaces/equipment areas; (3) Provided recommendations for mitigation of the potentially disruptive EMF conditions based upon the above analysis; and (4) Provided cost estimates of recommended mitigation strategies (i.e., relocation of sources, relocation of tools, and or magnetic shielding, etc.).
FMS visited the project suites to record ambient EMF site conditions on several occasions, and; as part of this analysis, FMS evaluated emission patterns from the nearby underground NYC subway systems and potential emission sources located within the adjacent suites that may have the ability to impact the operation of the sensitive FEI imaging tools. From our analysis of the site measurements, there were transient events (>1250 nT) that exceeded the manufacturer’s siting requirements (<125 nT). Ultimately, FMS provided mitigation recommendations to the design team for a combination of Passive Magnetic Shielding and Active Cancellation Systems (ACS) which once implemented, would bring the environment into compliance.
FMS installed the DC Magnetic Field Shielding Systems in each of the two (2) FEI TEM suites. Construction of the shielding systems was completed in 2 weeks and final performance testing was performed by FMS, FEI, and ETS Lindgren. Testing concluded (by all three vendors), that the ambient EMI levels were sufficiently below the manufacturer’s EMI threshold level of 125 nT.
Over its 20 years, FMS has successfully completed hundreds of EMI projects which included a diverse range of consulting and mitigation services.
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